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missing cooling flaps?
oval TOFU - October 8th, 2004 at 10:36 PM

I've read a few other posts and a couple books about the cooling flaps and I'm pretty sure I'm missing mine(?!) I can't see the thermostat either! The previous owner was running a smaller diameter fan pulley too, so perhaps the car was living in a hot environment...

My engine number is 8 759 512
I'm pretty sure its a 1200 from 1964.

Can you get replacement cooling flaps?


68AutoBug - October 8th, 2004 at 10:59 PM

No, You would have to get them from the wreckers..
If You buy the fan housing they are usually still screwed to it..

Thermostats are Now available from CIP1 in the USA..
they haven't been available for many years.

Volkswagen Australasia in Clayton Vic told mechanics in VW shops to take out the thermostats and throw them away... Which they did. Some even took out the flaps..
The local VW Mechanic [now retired] said He used to adjust the thermostat so the flaps were OPEN all of the time....
But most were thrown away...
The flaps direct the air to the cylinders and should be in place to do their job, even if they are Not connected to a thermostat...
You can add the flaps and the connecting bar & spring and then they will be in place.... [ready for a thermostat]
at least the air will go to where its supposed to...


oval TOFU - October 8th, 2004 at 11:01 PM

Thow them away huh?

I've read that you need them as they direct air to the heads as well... pretty important I think... so I suppose I'd better scrounge around for some then...

So they're normally attached to the actual fan housing then? not the engine tinware?

68AutoBug - October 8th, 2004 at 11:03 PM

My listing puts Your engine as a 1964 year Model...

but it says the flaps were introduced in the 1965 year model


oval TOFU - October 8th, 2004 at 11:04 PM

So.... I dont need to touch anything then?

karmen - October 9th, 2004 at 04:13 PM

a smaller pulley @ the genny / fan means running faster so maybe.....
..........................only needs more cooling if you are in hot places) or stop start traffic

68AutoBug - October 9th, 2004 at 08:36 PM

You don't have to do anything... there will be fixed flaps inside the fan housing directing air to the right places...
The main problem is that the oil cooler sits in the airstream of number 3 cylinder... so if the engine over heats..
Number 3 cylinder usually is the one to go..
thats why I have converted My 1500 engine to the doghouse oil cooler which sits out the back of the fan housing and doesn't interrupt the air flow at all...
These housings [with flaps] also run a slightly wider fan so there is enough air for the seperate oil cooler...


68AutoBug - October 9th, 2004 at 08:40 PM

I don't mean to scare You...
Your engine has gone this far without problems...
Just make sure Your engine has No air leaks...
Do You have the rubber bits that stop air leakage at the spark plugs?
and any bolt holes etc... put a screw in them or a rubber blankoff grommet...
All the air should go to the engine... No Leaks...


vw54 - October 9th, 2004 at 09:05 PM

you wont need the thermostat on an early engine.

They do work well on larger displacement engine and allow the engine to warm up more throughly.

I have never had them fitted on 36 or 40hp engines... and still running OK

As lee said make sure you dont have any air leaks is very important

oval TOFU - October 10th, 2004 at 10:55 AM

sweet, thanks Lee and Dave - thats good to know! The front of my fan shoud (next to the firewall) has a few holes in it. I know a couple of them are for things like the accel cable etc, but there are a few other holes near where the bottom of the shroud connects with the barrels' tinware. Should I plug then up then? Normal rubber grommets will do the trick in the engine bay's heat? They won't just get perished after a few monthes?

Robo - October 10th, 2004 at 03:58 PM

Sounds like the holes for the plastic spark plug lead clips. just get some new ones and put them in!

vw54 - October 10th, 2004 at 06:56 PM


Sounds like the holes for the plastic spark plug lead clips

yep sounds like this...

you probally have the later shroud we are talking about a 36hp engine ???? does yr engine have the spark plug lead metal tube

68AutoBug - October 11th, 2004 at 01:02 AM

There should be little black square bits that fit into those round holes and hold the spark plug leads in place.You should be able to pick them up somewhere... even off an old engine....
or the rubber blank grommets will do the trick....
They will last for a few years before the heat gets them..
even after the heat gets to them they will probably stay there... and won't fall out....


oval TOFU - October 11th, 2004 at 01:47 PM

Its a 40 horse shroud... I'm actually refering to the holes in the rear. I know the hole reight next to the oil cooler is for the throttle cable, but what about the lower ones?

oval TOFU - October 11th, 2004 at 01:47 PM


KruizinKombi - October 12th, 2004 at 08:48 AM

A square bit into a round hole??? :duh

vw54 - October 12th, 2004 at 08:58 AM

yeah block those up with some masking tape or similar... thye were for the thermostat mechanism