just put a 2 ltr in my twin cab and its running a little warm. 25 min drive on the highway and we're getting up tp 120 degrees on the sump plug
oil temp gauge! the motor has not been run regularly for about a year and i'm sure that this has something to do with it! i was thinking of
putting individual air cleaner pods on each carb to help with proper induction for a start, but is there anything else you would recommend? i am also
going to have a play with the thermostat this weekend to make sure it is working! i figured on changing the oil after 100 k's also, just because
of the time it has spent not running!
any other thoughts?
cheers josh
its alright, don't reply.... i just read the post on extra oil coolers by azz and it answered all my questions. its as i thought so thanks to all
that have helped azz because now they have helped me too!!!
cheers josh
so what did you do or have you done?
i had an idea it was the thermostat, so i will more than likely keep thing open all the time to keep cooler air over the engine the whole time! it may
take a little longer to warm up but it'll do till i can get another thermostat! another thing i used to run with my upright motor was an extra
oil cooler run from a full flow pump at the rear of the engine, but this was so effective it actually worked against me as the oil was not getting
hot enough and barely got to 70 deg. bypassed it and was much happier! i think that you should check that your thermostat is working properly and if
it is not then wire it open constantly! this envolves getting under the engine and taking the coverplate, or 'tinware' off the bottom of the
engine [ phillips head screwdriver to get at 4 screws] then look for the thermostat. it will have a line made of wire running to it that connects to
the bar that you put wd 40 on over the topside of the engine. it looks a little like a spring covered with plastic. sort of a consatina effect. it is
only small, bout the size of a dd size battery. when you have found it , try working the wire back and forth a little. [hopefully it is moving] notice
where it turns over a nylon wheel? mark a point on the wheel and then one on the engine next to it that corresponds. two marks that line up when the
engine is off and you haven't pulled on the wire! now go for a drive. when the engine gets warm, stop and get back under the car. are the marks
still in line? if yes, then your thermostat has retired and you will need to keep that position on that wire on the wheel untill you can get another
one. but till then , keep that wire tight as it is connected to flaps around the engine that duct cool air over the oil cooler after the car has
reached the right operating temp! i know this is the long way round but i know what is like to have all this information and have no idea what to do
with it! it is only through owning vw's that i have learnt how to save them. kep up the good work, you're doing great!
cheers josh:o:beer
thabnks for your help wiseoldub
well i went and did what you said and i dont have a thermostat- its been removed
i got the guys at customoffroads to do a service on it once and i mentioned it was running hot- he said he knew of a way to check the flaps without
pulling it all apart-
apparantly he worked out how to use a small mirror in one of the sparkplug holes-
didnt make any sense to me then but it does now
the flaps are open according to him and NO other mechanic has said to replace the thermostat
this stuff is so confusing sometimes i wish i was a mechanic instead of a nurse
its not running over 120 degrees in the heat up here now since i installed the elephant ears so i dont know what else to do
there is a berg temp sender for sale for $80 so i might get that and that will confirm temp
i dont trust the vdo guage i have- i have already had it replaced because the last one was faulty
any ideas of how to check the vdo one- can i just unscrew it and put it in a cup of boiling water (whilst holding my finger over the hole it came out
if you are going to take the sump plug out, i recommend getting to your local vw man and grabbing a standard sump plug to replace the one you will
take out. it shouldn't cost more than a dollar or so.once you take the sender unit out, you can either put your finger on the hole while you
ready the new plug to go in, or you can drain the whole thing and do an oil change. your choice. i have done both and the former is a little dirtier,
but effective none the less! take note of the oil you lose as you will want to replace it when you are done.to check whether your sender is working,
boil a jug of water and then take it outside and put the sender in it while still being attatched to the car. this will then read on your dash
[provided your ignition is on and not your motor!] it has been posted that a read of about 90" should be seen.as far as brands of sender and
gauge go, i have been using vdo as i believe them to be the better of the ones i have seen! tested to high standards of hot treatment and adverse
conditions , so my mate the sparky reckons!
hope this helps. if you do decide to do the oil chage, you may want to go the whole hog and change the oil filter and strainer and gaskets too
depending on how long it has been since the last one! to do this you will need to get a z100 oil filter from a repco [or other parts place] and an oil
strainer gasket kit from your local vw man . the oil filter just screws on and can be seen under the car on the left of centre to the rear! just look
for the same shape thing as what you have bought! easy! the oil strainer kit will come with two large rings made of a material fibre and a small
compression washer that is designed to flatten out when tightened and goes on before the sump plug does, between it and the motor!when you take the
strainer out , check it for any metals[ small filings] or anything other than oil. make a note of this and ask you vw man or post your findings here
and we'll help you out! should be just oil! clean your strainer out before putting it back on!
hope this has been of some use!
cheers and good luck!!!!
thanks again man
i just had a major service done about 500kms ago so I wont do the oil change etc
thats why I wonder about my temps and why they were high (i say were because the elephant ears have dropped it by about 15degree) because my van is in
such good condition and I am always getting it serviced and it always well maintained
I guess I will get out there and check the validity of the current vdo temp guage
thanks alot for your help :kiss
not a prob man! keep up the good work!
cheers josh:thumb