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'60-'63 split blueprints?
5PL1TDCS10N - January 28th, 2003 at 01:43 PM

Hi dubbers,
Has anyone got a copy(jpegs) or know where I can obtain blueprints for a 61-64 splitty panel, 11 window, 13 window,15window etc?

Need to study them throughly before panel replacement.

Thank you in advance(!)

splitbusaustralia - January 28th, 2003 at 02:41 PM 

Go to the technical info link in the left hand panel.

You can get the right dimensions from the blueprints if doing a major replacement. For smaller stuff like rockers, floors etc ect always cut away the old stuff and insert the new stuff at a seam line if possible....

Its just neater and results in less distortion..
