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another hole ???????????? golf
karmen - July 22nd, 2005 at 04:21 PM

I have a hole in my bellhousing so schmoke and schlipp clutch happens. emits gear oil

if i kleen reely good what can i use to block it/ glue it ...will have some pressure from diff.
is about size of cotton bud end.
happened when a piece of chisel from trying to stop flywheel 4 timing -broke off and slammed around in clutch dept.
I thought 3-4 staggered attempts of araldite..any good ideas


MikeM - July 22nd, 2005 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by karmen
happened when a piece of chisel from trying to stop flywheel 4 timing -broke off and slammed around in clutch dept.

:duh you're lucky thats all that happened...... :o

karmen - July 22nd, 2005 at 05:00 PM

yeah mike am goin nuts here cause pulled out g/box and again had to put off gettin my Baja i bought recently.

the chisel was half inch by 3 mm x 3mm but when i was doin about 160 kmh it must have sucked up the piece by the speed of the flywheel.shame it is a VW Seat Cordoba and has been truoble free for 235 G's

Kombi_Rescue - July 22nd, 2005 at 05:36 PM

you can try and tap the hole ..say 4-6mm and fit a plug...screw it in with a two part liquid oil leak cured make sure the plug sits flush with the inner housing..if the hole is smaller go down a size...tip when drilling or tapping use lots of grease as it collects the fillings easy....dont panic if some falls inside the g/box ..the material is qiute soft and wont have to much affect on the working internals good luck cheers steve

karmen - July 22nd, 2005 at 05:56 PM

great idea me to think that

i might rawlplug it as rubber will corode but wralplug will expand with a countersunk screw init with araldite around it

will see vw man t'mora

Peter Leonard - July 24th, 2005 at 06:20 PM

drill and tap the hole for a 1/4 inch threaded allen headed grubscrew, and put some loctite 577 on it. bingo.

karmen - July 24th, 2005 at 09:27 PM

u beauty taa alls