My 66 is sitting on a 64 pan and the seat belt anchors in the tunnel are huge!!! maybe a 14mm bolt and what thread ????
has anyone got an Idea about the size of bolt required ?
has anyone got some?
please help rego is this week
two piece adapter bolt, the big bolt has a threaded centre to take the standard bolt size, see the pick
I hope you have some ?
Boris has them in Stock
wayne come and pick some up,,free...suppose its the only way you will visit???????cheers steve
haha no i aint got any, but you know what you need, cheers Andy
Andy thinking of giving you a commision for the sale !!!cheers steve...hope you bring some goodies back from the old country..when you going ?
Steve, i am going back to the UK, Boston to see my Bro, its his 40th, also going to seek some stock from creative and a few other well known UK vw
supplyers, going to be fun, all veedubbed up, also i will enquire about the parts you need from schofields..
thanks mate cheers