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crappy idling,running crap down low
kombi_kid - August 29th, 2005 at 08:08 PM

hey peoples
my kombi is giving me the shits. basically what it is doing is hunting around in the idle, if im rolling along i cannot take off in 2nd have to go back to first cause it just wont go, if taking off in first its just bogs down and picks up in a few seconds and takes off.
i have had the carbies sychronised and adjusted so they come on at the same time but i think its in the air/fuel mix and idle screws where its up shit creek!
what should i have these setup at? idle is around 800RPM isnt it?

Midlife crisis - August 29th, 2005 at 08:57 PM

Have you checked to see if you have any air leaks around the manifolds this will make it run really sh$t hope this helps


kombibob - August 29th, 2005 at 09:06 PM

could be a blocked idle jet

kombidaze - August 29th, 2005 at 09:30 PM

check the solenoid idle shut off valves, silly looking thing sticking out the side of each carby with a wire going back to the coil.

General_Failure - August 30th, 2005 at 10:51 AM

Could also be the throttle pump. If that doesn't go squirt when you put your foot down the motor will just bog down. Also check for leaks around the top gasket of the carbs. It can really upset things like you wouldn't believe.

kombi_kid - August 30th, 2005 at 08:54 PM

ok people had a good look around there today and looks like a leak with the inside of the passenger side carby a blacky colour i went around to tighten the screws on the top of the carby and carby to manifold bolts but there all fine so any ideas on where for me to start i might pull it off when i get a second!

Desert Bug - August 30th, 2005 at 09:29 PM

G'day Rhys,
All of the things mentioned above can cause the problem you describe, also pull the air cleaner out of the way and check the condition of all the hoses the connect the vacuum balance tube to the manifolds, if these are still original type hose it could be perished behind the fabric covering. Pull them off and squeeze the end of the tube, if it shows cracking at all through it away and get some new stuff. There's no point trying to tune the carbs if there's any leaks in this area, also check the manifold to head, and manifold to carb joints.
Hope you can get it sorted.
Cheers, Ian.

vw54 - August 31st, 2005 at 07:25 AM


The throttle shafts are worn. You need need or refurbished throttle plates so it wont SUCK air

Ring Boris he has them

this is a common problem with Type 4 engines, using twin solexs.

kombi_kid - September 1st, 2005 at 04:31 PM

ok ill look at all the above mentioned and see how we go!!! i wish i had EFI!!!
shahahahahaha thanks guys