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problem buying tie rods and ball joints?
sean68 - August 29th, 2005 at 08:53 PM

I'm a little bit confused when it comes to buying new tie rods and ball joints
Most of the catalogues say 46 to 68 and 68 to 79
I have a 68 so which ones do i go for?

VWCOOL - August 29th, 2005 at 08:59 PM

Balljoint front end? I have seen two sizes of taper for BJ front ends.. I think the factory used small (link-pin size) taper for 1968 only, then 'upsized' the taper for 69-on... but someone else may be able to confirm. Take yours out and match it at the spare parts place...?

Yogie - August 29th, 2005 at 09:01 PM

I had the same problem with my 68. Everyone asked if I had the small ones or large ones (ended up being large) but in the end, they looked at the ones on my car to be sure as this was a changeover year.


sean68 - August 29th, 2005 at 09:14 PM

think i have the small taper as the tie rods i did buy which are being returned are too big for the holes
which would mean i should be looking at the earlier ones right?

vw54 - August 30th, 2005 at 07:16 AM

Ring Vintage they have them all in stock give them a call on 9789-1777

VWCOOL - August 30th, 2005 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by sean68
think i have the small taper as the tie rods i did buy which are being returned are too big for the holes
which would mean i should be looking at the earlier ones right?

Yep.. ring Vintage or wheover and tell 'em you have 'small hole' BJ spindles...

sean68 - August 30th, 2005 at 08:11 PM

Cool thanks for the replies
will give vintage a call