My '59 bug has a newer-style rectangular wing mirror. I've bought a new older-style round mirror that is supposed to be the correct style for '59.
But it doesn't fit! The "bolt" on the new mirror is too big for the thread on the hinge pin. Am I missing some kind of spacer bolt, or have I
got the wrong kind of hinge pin???
Existing mirror in place:
"Exploded view" of existing mirror (everything loosened):
Replacement mirror has a nut at the bottom with a thread that is too wide:
See how wide the thread is? Way too wide!
yes you need the other fine thread hinge pin.
The one you have is the Aussie After market type and teh mi9rror is for the european type hinge pin
The pin is available in Stock and 2 different oversizes and the hole has to be reamed so in fits snug
Give Vintage 02-9789-1777 a call they have all 3 sizes available