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Muffler Shop north...
field - September 12th, 2005 at 11:06 PM

Where on the north side of brissy area is a good place
to go get a sports type muffler fitted. i've got an empi
single quite pak on my bay and i reckon they sound shit
i like a liitle more bark, so i want to change the muffler...i
think the empi one must be a triflow?

subibaja - September 12th, 2005 at 11:29 PM

i have a stainless packed straight through one on my red baja
you might of seen it at the show sunday with the subi motor in it
i,m getting a new one (tri flow with fibre glass packed)
only been used two weeks regoed monday before last
cost me $180 new one costing me $150 so somewhere near there would be good
terry u2u me

Midlife crisis - September 13th, 2005 at 12:21 AM

There is a shop across the road from the Royal hospital near butterfield rd
