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Strange Turbo question
Quoll - October 27th, 2005 at 06:09 PM

Is it possible to run a muffler before the turbo?
If it is it would be easy to adapt my current extractor setup.

Bug_racer - October 27th, 2005 at 07:17 PM

You would slow down the velocity of the exhaust gases . You can but wont get full efficiency of the turbo . The turbo also acts like a muffler and in some cases all you need is a resonator to limit noise

Quoll - October 27th, 2005 at 08:11 PM

Thanks :smilegrin: :tu:

Secoh - October 28th, 2005 at 12:48 PM

the heat would destroy the muffler if you fit it between the motor and turbo, and the debris would be guaranteed to destroy the turbo.

lulu94 - October 31st, 2005 at 06:41 PM

hey wow, those extractors look just like gthe old set we pulled off danielles car :)

anyways, you dont want a muffler before the turbo, yuck.

using that, I'd hazard a guess it would be possible to cut off the muffler close to where the four pipes become one. althouigh maybe cut it right on the join, and flare some smaller pipe out to fit snugly to keep exhaust velocity up for the turbo. then run the pipe across and up into the turbo, and have the dump pipe running back down.

yes I have though of turboing danielles beetle, but my first plans of hiding it underneath the tin passed away when I realised the turbo needs to be higher than the sump oil level to drain oil back to the sump, or it needs to have a dedicated scavenge pump.

2443TT - November 3rd, 2005 at 09:11 PM

If you can't afford a turbo header you really can't afford to run a turbocharged vw. To do it right and have it last and be reliable there aren't any corners you can cut.

Sell the header and get a turbo header custom made for the job.

Quoll - November 7th, 2005 at 11:09 AM

Ok ok, so another dumb newbie to turboing question then, I don’t see the difference between a turbo header and a normal 4 into exhaust aside form a pipe that runs to the turbo, does the pipe cause a loss in exhaust velocity as lule94 mentioned?

I am not after a crazy setup just something that will boost 6-10 psi.

shiftyvw - November 7th, 2005 at 04:01 PM

you can run a pipe from the collector of a normal set of extractors to the turbo and it will work, its just how well it will work. If you go that route put some flanges on the heater box to exhaust joint. Try and keep the pipe as short as possible. It will work but will bw far from optimal in terms of packaging and performance but if your just having some cheap fun give it a go!

2443TT - November 7th, 2005 at 04:17 PM

As much as I'd love to see it happen, I doubt you'd be able to drive the car drive 5 blocks before the cops query you about why there's a turbo mounted outside your engine bay.

Those pull thru carb based turbo system do work but they also generate considerable heat in the engine bay. I've yet to see someone post their engine temp data for an engine running this style of turbo setup for when they go on a long drive. Then there's the issue about what happens when it rains.

To make a streetable turbo setup there is only three places to mount the turbo.

1. Under the rear apron (hide-away style).
2. Next to the tranny on the oppoisite side the starter motor is mounted.
3. Extend the firewall and remove the entire rear parcel shelf area and mount the turbo forward and above the tranny.