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Squeeky Speedo
OvalMat56 - November 3rd, 2005 at 09:55 AM

I was driving my beetle around at the weekend and noticed a squeek coming from my speedo hoping that it wasn't my speedo. Has anyone come across this problem before or know what the problem might be?


VWFREAK - November 3rd, 2005 at 10:14 AM

Try changing the spedo cable or dropping a thew drops of oil down the cable if your on a budget.

PrettyBlueBug - November 3rd, 2005 at 10:18 AM

My speedo did that for about three days..... and then one night it let out this almighty great squeal that didn't go away, it scared the s$#t out of me when it started! Had to disconnect it, changed the speedo cable.... still the same problem.... something inside the speedo had to be replaced.

68AutoBug - November 3rd, 2005 at 12:23 PM

try the drops of oil down the speedo cable although I have never heard of a speedo cable making a noise...
even when they break...
You can pick up 2nd hand speedos on ebay or at VW swap meets... very cheap too....


ACE_76 - November 3rd, 2005 at 03:35 PM

You can get the original one re-co'd, in Melbourne anyway. VDO in Heidelberg specialises in this apparently. We've had 2 rebuilt so farand they seem to be "good as new". (We sent them via VolksHome.) Possibly dearer than buying a second-hand or spare one, but may be good if you are keeping your car indefinitely.

jonno-t3 - November 10th, 2005 at 10:41 PM t3 speedo did this for a while.took me a while to work out what it was aswell....i took the cable out and sprayed white lithium grease down it. worked a treat. that stuff is the best


Stanley - November 11th, 2005 at 06:25 AM

My type 3 also did the same tried all the previously mentioned quick fixes , but no good. Pulled the speedo out and ran it via cable with electric drill. Turned out to be the in the mechanism. Had an old speedo so swapped the mechanisms over, and been going great for nearly 12 months now. Learnt alot about how speedo's work to.

shaihulud - November 13th, 2005 at 01:41 AM

I ignored the squeek in my speedo until one day the speedo jammed and broke the cable. That was an expensive mistake. I stripped the speedo, liberally doused it with WD40, left it for a day, liberally oiled the innards with engine oil and reassembled it with a new cable. It read fast for about two weeks and settled down again. If your speedo squeeks, disconnect the cable immediately and lubricate the innards of the speedo.

ned - November 13th, 2005 at 08:00 PM

had EXACTLY the same problem with my bug, the speedo screamed like a banshee. When i bought it Col actually had the cable disconnected for some time. I reconnected it and had no problems for about 6 months when it suddenly screamed again. Disconnected it for a couple of days, reconnected it and have had no problems since. Dont know why it squealed it just did, now it doesnt.