I am in the process of dismantling a 1976 beetle and I can't get the steeing column out. I have loosened it from the steering box and have taken the cap off the top of the collapsable part so that it can pass through the body, but it won't budge. It has almost come off the steering box, but has a few mm to go and it seems to be hitting something. Any suggestions?
There is a clip on the base of the colapsing part that needs a tang bent so that you can flick it off. Its there to make the column crumple intsead of
the shaft going up the tube and the steering wheel hitting your chest.
Did you drill out the 2 headless bolts that hold the column to the body work under the dash ???
what time do you get home from work and I will come round
Cheers Doc,
Sent you a U2U
make sure your steering lock is off. I always forget this when putting it back in!!