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broken bar
Kafer Lover - November 14th, 2005 at 09:40 PM

I am trying to undo the rear 36mm hub nuts but they won't shift.
My breaker bar is now a broken bar.

Anyone got any good tricks to move them?

Midlife crisis - November 14th, 2005 at 09:43 PM

By the looks of the breaker bar it was a 1/2 drive.
If it was first up go and get a 3/4 drive bar and socket this will work better.


lugnuts - November 15th, 2005 at 02:23 AM

Or 5 foot x 2"" angle iron and 36mm socket welded to it,drill a hole in the angle to slip half the socket through and weld on both sides :thumb

Mad Manx - November 15th, 2005 at 08:09 AM

air wrench- i did the same except I broke a 3/4 drive sidchrome breaker bar. Borrowed a mates sidchrome air wrench and it got it first go.

Andy - November 15th, 2005 at 08:15 AM

I thought a breaker bar was solid, not swivel?
Like the others said, get a 3/4" drive, and a length of steel you can slip over the handle, that's how I do it.

beerdoc - November 15th, 2005 at 08:16 AM

I will bring mine

you need 3/4" drive with cheat bar(pipe over)

sea you in a couple of days

68beetle - November 15th, 2005 at 03:05 PM

You can get an axle nut removal tool for about $15 which you place over the nut and persuade it to come loose with a large hammer or sledge. I got one off ebay for $12 I think - there's a guy making them.

Some say that you can damage the torsion bars with this tool but the dude on the Bug Me Video series doesn't seem to have any problems with them. That said I only plan to use mine for repairs on the road (where I don't carry a cheater bar and angle iron).

[ Edited on 15-11-2005 by 68beetle ]