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a question about shifters
barls - November 20th, 2005 at 08:32 PM

ok since chaos is almost on the road again so im looking in to shifters. i currently have the long empi trigger in the one im driving and a quick shift kit in chaos. i like the idea of a reverse lock out as on the trigger shifter but i want something shorter in the shift like the quick shift kit ie 2 inches between gears. most importantly i like the fact that i can put a round gear knob or something similar on there. so im asking all those that are using shifters in their bugs, which ones they are using and how they handle? please help me on this as i will make a decision based on the help you all provide

hellbugged - November 20th, 2005 at 08:44 PM

blow the round gear knob, get a berg shifter!

What others are there?;)

barls - November 20th, 2005 at 08:47 PM

thats why im asking and its personal preference to have a round knob over a t bar but thats me

hellbugged - November 20th, 2005 at 09:02 PM

i'm not knocking the round knob or the fact its your preference

I would choose function, and if you want function and have the budget, get a berg.

available with angled shaft, straight shaft, short shaft, 40% less throw, 60% less throw, with lock out reverse on them all, also for 5 speeds, kombis late and early, and also key lock to lock in reverse.

i have had mine for 10 years, my sisters has been going strong for 14+

watch out for the ring trigger shift lock out style, the cable linkage to the reverse mechanism is pissy, seen a couple of those let go and near impossible to get right again


barls - November 20th, 2005 at 09:05 PM

fair enough mate i wasnt upset just stating my preference but ill look in to it mate. at the moment its ether the scat or flat 4 as im on a very limited budget due to the rebuild and my other habit beer making and drinking.

barls - November 22nd, 2005 at 03:36 PM

anyone else got any of the ones i mentioned

Menangler - November 22nd, 2005 at 08:01 PM

I have one of those cheepo Empi ones from Classic Vee Dub, round knob, trigger lock out, its great.
I had a Berg a few years ago, didn't like the 'T' handle and the throw was too short.
When my Cheepo one wears out I'll just buy another one.

barls - November 22nd, 2005 at 08:03 PM

hey dave you have the short version right hows the shift

marty_08 - November 23rd, 2005 at 07:44 AM


I have the short Empi shifter that is angled in my buggy. It is heaps better than the longer ones and heaps heaps better than the original!!!!!

The throw is just right for me, would've considered the 'T' handle but my knee wouldn't fit between the steering wheel and "T"!!!!! (according to my calculations!!).

Just like menangler, i''ll just buy u newy if the trigger buggers up, until then i'm just gentle tugging on the trigger to go reverse!!!


vwtyp2 - November 23rd, 2005 at 07:57 AM

shifters come in two varieties.
Berg, and everything else.

bugboymatt - November 23rd, 2005 at 08:09 AM

I have a berg shifter in my bug. I must admit it's great. Nice short throw. No chance of hitting reverse!!!

pete wood - November 23rd, 2005 at 10:38 AM

I had an empi quick shift in a bug a few years back and loved it. And at $15 bucks you really can't go wrong. If you want it shorter, just cut a bit off the shaft and re-thread it.

As for all you Gene Berg sheep. Why pay $400 for a shifter when you can pay $15? And BTW, I never had a problem with going into reverse by accident and there is no special lock out on the short shift kit.

Hey, aren't T-bars for autos? Real VWs never came with autos. :vader

HotRodMatt - November 23rd, 2005 at 11:06 AM

I like my Berg Shitter.

barls - November 23rd, 2005 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by pete wood
I had an empi quick shift in a bug a few years back and loved it. And at $15 bucks you really can't go wrong. If you want it shorter, just cut a bit off the shaft and re-thread it.

As for all you Gene Berg sheep. Why pay $400 for a shifter when you can pay $15? And BTW, I never had a problem with going into reverse by accident and there is no special lock out on the short shift kit.

Hey, aren't T-bars for autos? Real VWs never came with autos. :vader

i currently have this kit installed in chaos and like it. im just exploring options.
vwtyp2 id buy a berg if they did anything other than a t bar. cause i dont want a t bar in chaos
classic matt i love it

HotRodMatt - November 23rd, 2005 at 11:20 AM

Originally posted by barlsvwtyp2 id buy a berg if they did anything other than a t bar. cause i dont want a t bar in chaos

You can take off the t-bar and put it on your toilet brush where it belongs... then get a knob off a truck, they are usually round or modern style "droop" use the preselect lever to actuate the reverse lock out.

[ Edited on 23-11-2005 by HotRodMatt ]

barls - November 23rd, 2005 at 11:34 AM

its an option but id have to have $400 first and there are a lot of things that id get first. thanks matt

HotRodMatt - November 23rd, 2005 at 11:37 AM

I'd stick with the plate too!

Midlife crisis - November 23rd, 2005 at 12:06 PM

I have the standard shifter with the quickshift kit.
I like it and have had no trouble wit it.
The other good thing is that it was a cheap setup.
and as petewood said if you want it short just cut and rethread.


pete wood - November 23rd, 2005 at 04:02 PM

maybe the special lock out is for "special" people. :P

barls - July 31st, 2006 at 09:35 PM

i ended up going the scat dragfast that i picked up for the right amount and its exactly what i was after in the shift length