Hi everyone, just looking at a baja for sale, been previously registered (last registered in 2002), got the full baja kit, tyres, different seats,
front and rear bars, gear box strap, air horn, air shocks, roller acc pedal (etc. etc)
They are all the differences from memory of the car between it and an original beetle of 1967. In order to register the vehicle, i need a safety
certificate. What would i need to bring to get the safety certificate with all those add-ons or mods?
is there suppose to be any paperwork for getting a safety certificate with those mods on such an old vehicle?
How u baja guys do it if you were to try to register a previously registered baja bug did not get any paper work from the seller (due to it being lost
some time before when the seller got it from another seller?)
thanx peoples.
pics of it:
I know it would require a bit of work before trying to get a safety certificate.
Like the structural rust under the front guards, the banged up passenger door, removing those running boards, replacing the teared seats, fixing that
broken spotty, gotta replace the alternator, wire up the air horn and the air shocks, and put on that rear engine cage.
But once i do that, and take it to get a safetly certificate, what else would i bring along with me?
ok u need department of transport approval. but if its been registered before ring DOT and ask them if its all good before u buy it. alot of people
just leave them registered as a beetle and dont worry about approval etc. cops dont know but DOT officers do!
in QLD u dont need engineers for the baja kit but u will need it for the seats.
air shocks are just adjustable shocks as far as i know and are fine. i dont think air horns are legal i would take them out for the saftey cert.
my super passed with air horns, its the only horn its got tho
rang department of transport, talk about a million menus to go through before you find the right place and right person to talk to. But anyways,
The lady on the phone said, we wouldn't know if its been approved before, what you would have to do is take it to the person doing the safety
certificate, and if its legal, they will certify it. Otherwise, they will tell you what changes you need to do, and then go about those changes, and
come back.
Shouldn't be a prob really. There would certainly be some vee dub places around QLD that would give out safetly certificates, maybe even custom
offroad (Be easier if it is a place that specialises in vee dubs, cause they would know better than an avg joe blow). They got some pretty
knowledgeable people at custom offroad, and an engineer, so should be good.