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lowering reference point..sorta
oval TOFU - February 6th, 2006 at 05:33 PM

For those of you who have done the 'ol "one inner spline drop" or roughly 3", can you remember if the spring arm sits above or below the stop-lip on the shock arm member?

I'm without a vernier protractor at the moment and I don't want to have to take everything apart and redo it all if it's not low/too low/wonky...

Cheers all ye low riders!

[ Edited on 6-2-06 by oval TOFU ]

hellbugged - February 6th, 2006 at 05:57 PM

just a feeling, but below-just,

its been a while, but i'm thinking i was able to "load" the bottom of the spring plate onto the stop by hand.

just had a look, and rember the bottom of the spring plate laying accross the hole for the lower bolt on the retaining cover, used that to line up both sides

[ Edited on 6-2-06 by dumone ]

[ Edited on 6-2-06 by dumone ]

oval TOFU - February 7th, 2006 at 08:56 AM

oops. I the initial post I wrote 6", and I meant 3" of drop..

So, just below the lip then? Anyone else recall where thier sring plate sat with no load on it?

oval TOFU - February 9th, 2006 at 01:14 PM
