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Notch Popouts Q?
bitemeoz - February 14th, 2006 at 01:49 PM


can you fit popouts into a notch if the car didn't orginally have them. If so is it an easy task.??


lohoon - February 14th, 2006 at 07:18 PM

Anything is possible.Beetles came with the holes ready from the factory.I wouldn't put it in the "too hard"basket.

Stanley - February 14th, 2006 at 08:03 PM

I hope so too...I want some popouts...anyone got some

bitemeoz - February 14th, 2006 at 08:31 PM

some went on ebay today for 81 bucks

1500S - February 14th, 2006 at 08:50 PM

You will have to get the hinges and fit them into the lock pillar. The vehicles without popouts have the holes but not the hinges. A good source is a wrecked Squareback. The hinge is a strip of sheet metal around 1.7 mm thick with curved tongue pieces which protrude from the holes. You will have to silver solder them in place after you feed them into the holes and pull into place. DON'T DROP THEM!!

Also, you will have to put some captive nuts into the area where the latches fit. The actual holes are there but no nuts. The notch has metal thread screws whereas the SB has self tappers.

Pitty you didn't want to do this 8 months back as I GAVE a set to Empi with good seals except one missing (I stole it for my ones!) just to clean up junk in the shed.

There's a SB at Pick and Payless. Check if they'll let you hacksaw the sections from the lock pillar with the hinge plates. It'll be a start.

[ Edited on 14/2/2006 by 1500S ]

vw54 - February 15th, 2006 at 06:17 AM

Ring Vintage they did a set not so long ago.... took ages n they no what there doing

You have to make sure the metal retaing nut plates are fitted in to the door pillar

1500S - February 15th, 2006 at 10:59 AM

One question John. Are you competent with an oxy torch? I did state "silver soldering" but that method relys on very clean metal and whilst the hinge plate can be cleaned, the inside of the pillar cannot be cleaned effectively. The last two I have done, the coated brazing rods which are available from any welding supply was used. One thing to remember is that you WILL have to repaint the area on the pillar as the paint will be damaged after brazing as well as removing the vynil trim on the inside before brazing. Where the latch is attached (the purists call it the "C" pillar from memory!) you will have to put some sort of nut there for the metal thread M4 screws. Also, you will have to put a piece of say 1.2 mm plate x 75 x 75 to strengthen the latch mount area otherwise the "Nutserts" may flex loose. You can use M6 "Nutserts" in the holes and then an adaptor plug down to M4 so you can use the original size screws.

Another method to avoid the brazing damage is to use M4 csk head screws to hold the hinge plates in place. You would need around 6 of them to avoid fatigue on the metal as it is quite thin on the pillar. The hinge plate is thick enough to support the threads.

There was a SB in Northern Auto Wreckers at Londonderry but not sure if they have scrapped it totally as I haven't been in there for quite a while. Will call on way home today and see if it's still there.

By the way, an afternoons work is all that is needed to fit all of the parts............... the painting is up to you as to how long that takes!!

[ Edited on 15/2/2006 by 1500S ]

UPDATE: That SB has gone from Northern Wreckers. Only a 70-71 Notch there along with a couple of Bugs. The Notch has a near unmarked rear bumper with good chrome if anyone up this way has a need for one.

[ Edited on 15/2/2006 by 1500S ]