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Work area for restoring a car
psyranix - February 23rd, 2006 at 04:54 AM

I'm not sure these exist, but does anyone know of any hire garages for us apartment dwelling folk that don't have access to a garage to stick a car in? I'm potentially wanting sandblasting/painting capabilities around the Brisbane area.

I resprayed a 75' Celica in my dads garage years ago and he's still complaining about the green tinge over everything. :)

PurpleT3 - February 23rd, 2006 at 09:25 AM

Don'y know where you are located, but most towns/suburbs have a light industrial district. It might be worth your while to find such an area near you and drive around. Quite often you will find small factories for lease. This has the bonus that noise and smells aren't such a big deal compared to residential areas. Alternatively, if you just want to store a car, what about one of those storage places? You probably wouldn't be able to work there though.