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Help with an acute Auto Transmission problem?
Transparu - February 23rd, 2006 at 06:29 PM

I am currently waiting for delivery (from the US) of rebuild parts for my Auto trans – an ’86 T3.

TODAY I have a big problem and I am wondering whether I have some alternatives.

There has clearly been a problem with the trans for a while. A week ago I noticed that it would wait until the engine was hot (and hence the AT fluid was hot - as the cooler I use is part of the radiator) before the trans would change from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3rd gear. I could live with that.

Today whilst this was the case, there is now a substantial slippage between gears. I need to keep the thing going (my daily driver) for a few more weeks.

Is there any fluid I could try to increase friction in the Transmission? I suspect my major problem is worn clutches and a worn band. That the thing has been so sensitive to temperature recently suggests a change in oil viscosity MIGHT help.

Any one have any suggestions or ideas . please?




Kombi_Rescue - February 23rd, 2006 at 06:36 PM

sounds like the forward clutch is RS..piston seals are most likely RS they go hard and temp helps them soften up..Swan Transmissions sells a complete kit for the 010 gearbox which includes xclutches bands and seals ets for about 300bucks hope this helps as the oil change won't cheers steve good luck with the o/haul