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type 1 beam into type can be done.
Stanley - February 23rd, 2006 at 07:30 PM

Those whacky Danes...check this out.

This Danish bloke has not only put a type 1 beam into a type 3, but it's a single air bag system he designed that even has the KCW boys interested.

Heres the link and a couple of teasers 

11CAB - February 23rd, 2006 at 07:39 PM

Yeah and a kombi Beam fits into an Oval Beetle too.......:o

humpty - February 25th, 2006 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by 11CAB
Yeah and a kombi Beam fits into an Oval Beetle too.......:o

Haha... your a funny bugger!

Yes it can be done, but not without some 'minor' alterations!
(and I suspect it wouldnt be terribly legal!)
The torsion tube radious needs to be the enlarged to fit the contour of the beam bulkhead and then both tubes will fit in sweetly, then you need to fabricate new mounting brakets to line up with the TIII items, then it is advisable to trim the lower edge of the bulkhead and mod to suit the TI lower torsion tube..

The attached images are of a 6" beam that John Jones has built that does not run shock towers... Not advisable here in Oz, but I think you could get a 4.5" beam with shock towers under stock TIII body...