just wondering if anyone knows any tricks to cleaning out the insides of pooey heater boxes without removing them from the van?
probably best just to remove them. The process i had in mind for mine when i do end up getting time to clean them is spray degreaser (can stuff from supercheap auto works heaps well) let it soak then pressure wash it. Why did you want to clean them??
cos my heaters a bit smelly... i think it might be the boxes cos ive changed all the ducts.... ive also got to find something to replace the old
wadding from the muffler things too... the old stuff was the main cause of the smell... kinda dusty burny type smell
lol. What smell are you getting now? Cooked oil is usually from the heater boxes or i guess could be cooked dirt but it couldnt last long, would just turn to dust and blow out.
dunno... its still a dusty kinda smell... it might just be cos i havent used it all year... would've thought the smell would go away after a week though.
Dusty smell is normal. Our old heater permenantly was like that.
mmm pour some oil into your heater boxes... should get rid of the dust, but then u gotta get rid of the oil
but seriously i doubt its your heaterboxes, coz they have air flowing through the continuously and if you replaced all the ducts then i duno... maybe
your just being fussy?
lol... maybe i am... i'll try lighting a stick of incense in the engine bay when i use the heater from now on
Thanks for the help guys!