I have this vin number & hoping some one could tell me if this is a 2ltr motor & gear box
G'day Neil,
I believe should be 1800 ('74-'75) but you would be best to look at the underside of the box, 3 ribs=1600, 5 ribs=1800, 6 ribs=2lt, and have a look
at the engine no. on the block not on the fan shrouding as these are interchangable and may be different to the no. on the block. It's down in
behind the fan shroud near the dissy. 1600 was also an option in all models.
Cheers, Ian.
If you find what appears to be a 2lt box, you may like to check the part number on the
intermediate housing to make sure that 1600 parts have not been fitted to a 2lt case.
2lt intermediate housing has an 091.....part number where as 1600 and 1800 are 002...
Also of interest, I recently saw a 2lt box with a pinion shaft that had all the same bearing and spline sizes like the 4.57 ratio, except it had 5.42
Also saw a 5 speed pinion shaft with a 5.86 ratio. Man that is a low ratio!
ok cheers lads , I am looking for a 2ltr box please