hi all
i was just working on my 1600
and when turning it by hand it was leaking air out of
the heads where they meat cly
now i was thinking 3 things
pulled head studs
head not the right tensions
just crapy seal?
now it's out of every cly and i can only hear it
what do you all think?
you sure?
Done a head torque?
If they are leaking, heads need to be removed and 'skimmed' so they once again seat tight against the top of the barrels
Are You sure...?
as air is compressed when turning the engine over
the compressed air will also escape when a valve opens up
thats what is normally heard
If air is leaking, so should oil be leaking?
You can usually hear air 'leaking' when it's turned over by hand, but it's usually just past the rings.
If the air IS leaking from the head/bore mating surface then you may have pulled ya studs, I'd check them first.
If it's not that you might need your heads bored and lapped.
I doubt oil would leak from the head/bore surface, as there's no galleries etc.
hi all thanks for the replys
yeah im sure it's leaking out of the heads
it's an as41 case so i don't think all the studs are pulled
but is is leaking a bit from every pot
will have to take off the heads
Do a compression test before you start pulling it apart.
does it run?