OK, filled bottle up and put pressure into it and like many when I pulled the wiper stalk up to release (73 Kombi) water leaked from under dash.
What is the likely fault and is there a fix to these and where should I look first. Could I see more of problem if I pull out dash instrument area.
Thanks, Andrew
I do not know how to fix it although, take the tube from the tyre to the intake manifold side of your turbo, leave the switch open and instead of
winscreen squiters, use it on your intercooler. More boost, more it squirts.
Sounds like the seal has gone on the switch. A comon problem with the old push button type 3 presure system as well.
and beetles on the stalk wiper.
The hoses go up through the dash and off to the nozzle.
The plastic tupe holder gets brittle and breaks.
Maybe the hose has broken/split
If like a supe beetle - and i am sure it is
You need to take the steering wheel off and take the switch cluster out
Try and see from thebottom first by taking some of the steering colum shroud away
Had the same prob, all those hoses are old and probably original. They will keep splitting... even if you cut the split and reattach it. Go to your
local hobby store and get some silicone tubing, the shit they use for glowfuel... will last forever and is a good tight fit. The switch/valve on my
stalk was gone so i got another and its working better. go to a wreckers and see if they got any. You might also want to setup an electric pump, mount
it under the resivoire with a switch on the dash. Make sure you puncture the cap tho otherwise a vacum will form and ur washer jets stop.
everything you need to know is on this site... its awsome
like edward said ^ just go electric they are a pieceapiss to install
and work much better and are cheap
plus most valves after 30 years dont cut the pressure when it drops to 32 Psi so u end up with a flat spare and a cab full of water
A novice like me installed a golfwater box... pump and bottle/box or wateva u wanna call it, just came with a mount I bolted ot the side of the car (from the inside of the bonnet), and was VERY easy to wire up. drilled a hole in the dash for a button, connected the hose from the pump to the squirters, and connected the earth to where the indicators earth, forgot where i wired up the button though.... hmm...