Am I going mad, is this a coincidence but Kombi has been running fine apart from spluttering when cold. Changed plugs and seemed much better. Driven
maybe 50km with new plugs and then decided to go for drive tonight and it was rough as can be, no power, 3 cylinder type of rough and the blinkers
seemed really slow (thats the part where I think Im mad). Is it linked at all?
Also who knows good VW mechanic close by to Rockdale area in Sydney? Vintage VW are only just down the road from me, does anyone give me the thumbs up
to visit them for a general serice?
Thanks, Andrew
Had exactly the same thing happen to me once, and it turned out to be a dud spark plug. An almost brand new "Made in India" Bosch plug ?
Vintage VW have been given the thumbs up by a lot of forum people.
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Maybe just for interest sake, try the old plugs back in if you still have them. Although if they are NGK that you put in, it is highly unlikley one of
them has dudded. NGK is my preferred brand of plug for that reason.
You may have bumped a vacuum hose off the intake manifold. If it is twin carb, check the balance tube and the idle bypass tubes and especially their
rubber elbows. Also check the fuel cutoff solenoids on the carbies are both connected and activating. With ignition on, the solenoid will click as you
take the wire on and off the terminal.
My bet is on vacuum. Although the indicators running slow bothers me. I can't help thinking low voltage = bad firing + slow indicator. I wonder if your regulator is out of adjustment but still operational for some reason. Long shot though.
any chance you knocked the vacuumelbow brake booster thing when doing the plugs??