Hi there
Picked up an old tacho at the bug-in on the weekend, and was just curious as to how i should wire it up.
It has 4 wires coming out of it, a red, a black, a green and a white.
Now i assume that black and red would be earth and power, but what are the other two? And where to i hook them up?
I'll put some pics up later, its an interesting old thing! It has "Kmart" on the dial face!:o :P:thumb
white would be backlight, hooked to say speedo light wire
green would be the signal for the tacho, wired to negative side of coil
So i have to run a wire all the way to the engine compartment?
Ok cool..
Heres some pics of the thing..
Anyone ever seen one of these before? Know when they were made? Any information would be great!
Never seen one of those before....I'm guessing it's fairly old !! Obviousy made in Japan......Where did ya find it????
The guys at KDFwerks had a stall clearing out bits and pieces at the Bug-In show and shine.. It was only $15 so i thought why not??
Good score...now instal it.
Oh, and did i mention it fits the clock hole on a type 3 perfectly?
kmart.. mad.. haha..
When you run the wire for the tacho signal, you can then also use it for a kill switch.