Anyone out there had there dizzy regraphed due to cam change and the sort.
how beneficial is it. and approx cost. i have a 009 with a petronix kitout.
I've had it done twice, both on my V8 dizzy's. Stock electronic and a Mallory.
Given I had a largish cam and relieved closed chamber heads fitted, definitely well worth it and if a hot VW donk features in the future, I'll have
it done again.
Too long ago to quote cost...
Where r u?
Long time ago, I used Ignition Dev in Malvern (Vic) nr the station. An MG Lucas dist changed from vac/mech adv to pure mech due to unavailibilty of
diaphragms. Advance curves can be done to suit. Grumpy bugger but VG work.
Sort your jetting out first, one thing at a time