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kadron question
vwrallycar - June 24th, 2008 at 07:05 PM

can someone please tell me what size main jets and idle jets you use in kadrons on a stock 1600 TP with extractors?

VWCOOL - June 24th, 2008 at 07:19 PM

130 mains (stocko for Kaddies); not sure about the idle jobbies, have you tried

vwrallycar - June 24th, 2008 at 07:55 PM

yeah i tried low budget, doesnt seem as helpful as i remember it years ago.
put new kits through them, still cant get them spot on, guess some more tweaking is in order

VWCOOL - June 24th, 2008 at 08:07 PM

Make sure the idle pilot jobbies don't have dirt in them; I have had lots of dramas with this on one of my sets as the carbs were corroded internally from fuel/water drying out in them