You're going to get a barrage of questions for a while...sorry!! lol
OK...after having a Beetle that had the back seat catch fire due to not having a battery cover i decided to make sure this one is definately
I didn't take much notice whilst taking the seat base out, but have now noticed whilst putting it back in that the front of the base doesn't
actually sit on the bar that runs across the car and sort of floats above it!
I've tried pushing it down and shoving it back but it looks to me that the seat is actually too tall.
I'm pretty sure that the seats are not the were there different sizes for different models?
Ok so what year is the car
yes there are several different rear seats both the back n the squab vary and wont match whne fitted to a car
Ah great....ok, will have to source another back seat.
The car is a 68...not sure what year the seats are though.
Thanks for that!
all rear seats from 68 onwards are the same
so if it has 2 metal arms coming out of the side of the backrest then its 68 on seats
they can be a real pain in the ass to lock into the lower retainer bar
cos i recovered mine in velour and repadded it its a real bitch to get in
trick ive found is tip the back end of it up (closest to engine) and put the front end down behind the bar then sit on it
if its a pre 67 tho it probably wont fit
my mates 68 bug has a 64 rear seat and its also to long to lock in behind the retainer bar