Did not have indicators either at first. But cleaned relay terminals and Indicators are now working (though no clicking noise,is this the norm with beetles). i assumed that would mean hazard lights would also work, but they dont? Any ideas as to what it may be.
Try replacing the blinker relay. They can get water in them if the windscreen rubbers leak a bit. You can get them at Vintage - (02) 9789 1777
are they flashing or staying on... with the genuine relays, you can pop them open, blast them with air, blast them with inox, then blast them with air
and sometimes they work again. thats what happened with mine. make sure you check the highbeam one also, turn the lights on, then switch between low
and high, make sure it doesnt get stuck on. not cool. (the lights relay is a sealed unit and you will have to get a new one.
as for your current issue, it may be the switch - especially if they work at other times and flash. could also be a bad wire connection. indicators
should only work ith the igniton on, where as hazards should work all the time.
The blinker relay I assume is not the two pronged one or is it? No the Hazards are not flashing or doing anything at all, but the indicators work and flash as well (when ignition on, though no clicking noise) and Indicators show on speedo as blinkers but nothing at all when I pull hazard switch.
Well hazards are now working but very strange (to me anyway) is it normal that you can rotate hazard switch to either have all flash, left flash or right flash? have never seen this before. And also the hazards and the indicators dont make a blinking noise. Is this also normal?
On my L bug, which has a standard relay it clicks quite loud, maybe yours is after market. My switch doesn't rotate, either on and all blinking with loud clicks or off.