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HELP! Electrical Drain...
Oppressa - May 11th, 2009 at 11:01 PM

For the last 5-6 years, I've had a big sound system (2 x 12" subs, 3 amps).
About 5 weeks ago I installed some under-body neons that only get power when the ignition is on.
About 2 weeks ago I installed some new Philips Blue Vision bulbs ( ).

Until about a week ago, I've never had one issue with the audio setup, it's been able to play at close to full volume for extended periods.

Now what is happening is:
Even during the day will all lights off, if I'm idling, at each bass kick the sound starts to die and if I leave it at a high volume, the headunit resets. Holding the accelerator in slightly gets rid of this.

At night, even with the sound system and neons totally turned off, if I'm idling the headlights start to fade in and out constantly.

I would have thought maybe battery but I don't have any problem starting the car, ie it's able to turn the engine over without a problem. I would have thought if it was battery problems, it would perhaps take longer for the engine to start.
Or would it be the generator. And if so, why now? Do generators slowlydie?

Joel - May 11th, 2009 at 11:09 PM

Seriously, ditch that dinosaur generator

its beyond me why ppl still use them unless your a diehard purist trying to keep everything original which clearly isnt the story in this case

are your running a cap at all?
3 amps is getting well beyond the limits of a 30amp generator

pod - May 11th, 2009 at 11:09 PM

maybe your alternator is dying,as a generator would not power all that stuff,you might even have to go for a higher amperage alternator for it all to work as it should:?:

Oppressa - May 12th, 2009 at 01:01 PM

Thanks for the replies. My mechanic has given me 2 options:

$440 for a brand new alternator (including labour)
$350 for a reconditioned alternator (including labour)

Do these sound reasonable?

vw54 - May 12th, 2009 at 02:21 PM

yep pricing is about right especially fitted

Oppressa - May 12th, 2009 at 02:26 PM

Great, thanks for the input guys! :D