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Dumb Bus Questions #1
jedikombi - August 9th, 2009 at 06:34 PM

Hi Guys,

Been a very long time sine i have been online and realy wanting to get more hands on with my 65 Bus. So might just come straight out with the stupid questions I have.

1. I think I have a 1500cc but not sure, How can I tell and if its single or twin port?

2. Is a 1600 twin port a Better option and notice the power.

I am running reduction hubs at the moment and doing IRS soon so if I need an upgrade i would prefer to do it all now.


vw54 - August 9th, 2009 at 07:30 PM

the 1500 has a single pipe to the left and right cyclinder head
the twin port has an alloy inlet mainfold that looks ike a double inlet

yes the twin port 1600 will be better power for yr bus

how do you know yr running reduction hubs if you carnt tell the difference in the engines ???

vw54 - August 9th, 2009 at 07:30 PM

oh 4 got to say there r NO dumb questions if u dont no ask

OZ Towdster - August 9th, 2009 at 07:38 PM

Quite simple to check on whether you have a single or twin port .
If your intake manifold where it meets the head is a single bent pipe then it is a single port , if it is a cast aluminium housing where it meets the head and is from the outside view looks as though it spreads from front to rear into two pipes it is a twin port .
As for the power difference yes you will notice a difference from a 1500 single port up to 1600 twin port , but not a huge difference by any means but seeing that you are willing to do a IRS conversion then your not against sensibal upgrades to a splitty so the choice is yours .


grumble - August 9th, 2009 at 07:41 PM

Dave after 40 odd years in the trade i've seen more dumb answers than dumb questions(I think I've given a few of them):smilegrin::tu:But in reality we all have to learn some time and as you said if you don't ask you will never know! Cheers les

jedikombi - August 9th, 2009 at 08:22 PM

Thanks for the replies guys,

Looks as though I have a twin port, made it alot easier once i knew what to look for. If its a 1500 and a twin i might just leave this in and put the money into ball joint front end, disk and adjusters aswell. When the reduction hubs goe i assume i will get better spped out of my engine than the over reving 50mph

Vw54 "how do you know yr running reduction hubs if you carnt tell the difference in the engines ??? " Good question but i assume all my running gear is early and from what i have read. Just a guess from a mechanic retarded Bus owner :)

modulus - August 9th, 2009 at 08:59 PM

Reduction hub highlighted. Note how the wheel hub is not oncentric with the driveshaft, as the reduction gear offsets it.


jedikombi - August 10th, 2009 at 02:34 PM

Thanks Modulus,

Thats what im looking at on my bus and have wide 5 set up also. Upon closer inspection of my engine i saw the numbers 7566371 printed just below the Generator and below that on the side of the engine casing read AFC or maybe AFG703. Going by this site below i had a bloody 1600 all along.

thanks for the help 

jedikombi - August 10th, 2009 at 05:33 PM

A few pics