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HOW: tapping type 3 block with type 1 oil/dip stick? possible without tear down...
bajachris88 - August 11th, 2009 at 07:00 PM

got a type 3 1600 stripped down to a long block and am doing a type 1 1600 conversion on it.

This will be the biggest challenge i guess. What do you rekon is the best way to go about it? I don't want to have to completely disassemble the motor...

Is there anyting wrong with just using the type 3 dip stick / filler? I rekon its not as neat and tidy, and protrudes like crazy... but if it is too much trouble i will stick with type 3 dip stick.....

thanks fellas,

Joel - August 11th, 2009 at 07:36 PM

chris you can get type3 to type1 conversion dipstick like this from most vw places

they take the hard work out of drilling the case for the dipstick tube

only other problem u have then is type 3 blocks arent drilled for the oil pressure sender

easy way around this is keep the type3 oil cooler as its identical to a bug doghouse but has a boss in it for the sender
just trim the shroud for clearance and use a right angle fitting so it clears the firewall

bajachris88 - August 11th, 2009 at 07:42 PM

You are a champion Joel. thanks mate. i got the boss and oil cooler still.
thats great news.
many thanks.