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bug tyres
bigdood2 - October 23rd, 2009 at 07:31 PM

Hi All,
My 75L is due for new tyres,it has 14"Hotwire rims with 195/75 tyres on them(which are not that common).
Does anyone know the original rolling diameter or circumference of the tyres to keep the speedo accurate,and so I can work out exactly what should be used,the service manual says they should be 6.00 x 15 4 PR whatever that means in todays world

Snap Crackle Bang - October 23rd, 2009 at 10:00 PM

The original tyres were taller than any decent affordable road tyre you will find nowadays unfortunately. I think they had an aspect ratio of 86 or thereabouts. On top of that you've dropped an inch in diameter. At least your speedo will read high rather than low.:smilegrin:

Camo - October 23rd, 2009 at 10:22 PM

This link may help a little, giving you similar sizes.


stilson - October 24th, 2009 at 06:27 PM

near enough to 25" tall for the 155/80R15.
215/65R14 are damn close.
the numbers are always a little vague so have a tape measure handy.

Joel - October 24th, 2009 at 07:08 PM

215s on hotwires on a 2bolt Lbug are gonna hang outta the guards just a tad.... somewhere along the lines of 2" :lol:

i wouldnt stress to much over speedo accuracy
most vw speedos after 35+ years arent terribly accurate anyway

as much as i hate to admit it about 10 years ago when i was a poor P plater i had hotwires on my bug :blush:

with 185/70s the speedo was only 5km/h too fast