i have a problem with my gears, the clutch cable broke so i managed to crawl to the closest mechanics to get it fixed. well they fixed it alright. now a month later i can still go up gears but i cant go down gears, and if i manage to its the loudest worstest crunch!, i feel for my beloved kombi as i try and force the gears in. and also now, when i stop at lights etc, i have to crunch it into first even when im stationary, everyone just looks at me. whats wrong?:bounce
it seems thst not just any mechanic can work on the simple old vw.
He probably should have changed the tube that carries the clutch cavle as well as adjusted the new one properly in any case its a simple job and
shouldn't cost the earth. find yourself a real vw mechanic:kiss
Rachael, have you got a manual of any kind. They should tell you how to adgust your clutch. That's what the prob sounds like to me.
I have only had experience with beetles so I can't really offer any good advice, but there should be someone here that can help you with a brick.
Oops, I mean kombi.
does the clutch go to the floor before it takes up the slack.... if so it's prolly the clutch. should have to turn about one (maybe two nuts) to fix it.:thumb
The pedal should have about an inch of free travel before it takes the load, another thing I had happen to me that caused similar problems, was the
pedal mounting (pivot) bracket, the weld was failing and giving me too much travel before it was activating the clutch, you should have a look at this
as well.
hhhmmmmm i have a few manuals that look good on my book shelf, maybe i should get them out. thanks for the advice
Come on Rachael! I thought everybody read a few pages of their manual's before going to sleep at night, you have to practice the faith!
That's right Robo.
Now, as punishment ............
50 "Hail Ivan Hirst's"
and if still unrepented then a full Wax on Wax off INCLUDING the Roof..!!
Oh just for that smirk...two complete coats of wax.
It sounds like your new cable may have just stretched a bit as is settles in, which could be remedied by simply adjusting the clutch. It is worth
checking the rubber tube near the gearbox though, and also to make sure that the metal tube has not come away from the body at any point. I also had
trouble once with the clutch pedal pivot mount coming away from the body. I've also had the bracket tear out of the gearbox. Any one of these
problems could produce the symptoms you mentioned Rachael.
I can only advise on a Beetles adjustment Rachael, which should be similar... over the Rear Left Hand axle You should find the end of the cable and the arm that goes into the clutch housing... There should be a wing nut, on the end of the cable.. just do it up 3 or 4 turns and try it out, if it still grinds, wind the nut on another 2 turns and keep on doing it until You can change gears OK... It looks like Kombis have other problems with the clutch pedal etc... but if You adjust the cable, and later find the clutch pedal needs to be adjusted or whatever,,, wind the wing nut back to where it was originally.... mark with paint or a white pen where the nut was before screwing it clockwise... I hope this helps You Rachael... Lee 68AutoBug :bounce:bounce:bounce:bounce