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Interesting beetle airbag setup (aust on ebay) pretty kool.
bajachris88 - July 28th, 2010 at 08:34 AM

the lad looks to have an armature connected to the top of the front beam that turns as the bag 'lifts' upwards... turning the armature and in turn the torsion leaves 'up'.

looks pretty heavy duty too.

I'd imagine if you got bags, you wouldn't have torsion leaves any more and would probably have a solid state bar inside or something to 'twist' the torsion arms around via the bags themselves. I dunno.... but yea. enjoy:

Ollie - July 28th, 2010 at 09:16 AM

This has been on eBay for yonks now- started at 19k!
Looks pretty sweet though- would be a fun cruiser!