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worn rear cv's.. Can i get away with it?
bajachris88 - December 10th, 2010 at 05:57 PM

Hi guys,

just tidied up some kombi cv's and noticed the seats for the balls have a bit of wear in some locations.

Apparently they were working fine back in the day. Can i get away with this for at least like 6 months? what would be the symptoms if any for worn cv's?

Clicking only comes from fwd model cv's right?

I know cv's aren't exy... but its 8 days till pay day and i don't want to wait :(... i gotta slam this out for straddie at new years.

thanks guys,

68AutoBug - December 10th, 2010 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by bajachris88
Hi guys,

just tidied up some kombi cv's and noticed the seats for the balls have a bit of wear in some locations.

Apparently they were working fine back in the day. Can i get away with this for at least like 6 months? what would be the symptoms if any for worn cv's?

Clicking only comes from fwd model cv's right?

I know cv's aren't exy... but its 8 days till pay day and i don't want to wait :(... i gotta slam this out for straddie at new years.

thanks guys,

Hi Chris...

NO... rear CVs will also click is badly worn and not enough lubricant...
Sounds like You have cleaned them up...
Now pack them full of Lithium based Moly grease...

this will stop any noise...
and slow down the wear process...

You can get Moly grease in tubs at BIG W or any auto shop etc...
its usually a dark grey-blackish color...
but I recently saw some silver colored Moly grease..
Read on the label.... lithium based Moly grease...
can be called anything these days... lol



HappyDaze - December 10th, 2010 at 06:25 PM

You could squeeze a bit more out of them by swapping them around (L/H on R/H side etc.). This would move the 'ball contact' (no rude remarks, please) to a less worn area. Re-pack them with CV GREASE - it is made specifically for that purpose.

Cheers, Greg

matberry - December 10th, 2010 at 08:16 PM

If it is just 'wear marks' and not the case hardening failing they'll be fine for 6 months or so with new grease.

68AutoBug - December 10th, 2010 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by HappyDaze
You could squeeze a bit more out of them by swapping them around (L/H on R/H side etc.). This would move the 'ball contact' (no rude remarks, please) to a less worn area. Re-pack them with CV GREASE - it is made specifically for that purpose.

Cheers, Greg

Hi Greg,
Well, I used to have lots of little tubes of CV joint grease..
Never ever used it.. [probably still in the shed]
I have always used Lithium based Moly grease as recommended by Volkswagen.

I've looked at the CV joints and it didn't seem to Me..
that it makes any difference to where you put the CVs..
as the balls still go back and forth...
and the wear marks on them are all the same...
although the inside ones would probably wear the least..??




The CVs will have wear marks, shiny bits...
but badly worn ones are the ones that click...

I had a Magna that clicked, filled them up with Lithium based MOLY grease and never clicked again...
didn't really check them out... just regreased... lol

this grease is that Good....



68AutoBug - December 10th, 2010 at 10:57 PM

[size=5]I forgot one thing

painting them yellow will have no effect at all...

:lol::no: :lol:



bajachris88 - December 11th, 2010 at 01:43 AM

thanks guys :tu:

will slap em back together and see how i go... i got a set of new boots :)
I'll address it properly in the short term... but for the moment it will have to do to meet my dead line.

bajachris88 - December 11th, 2010 at 01:46 AM

oh! btw the 'wear' was like little smooth 'seats' that the balls had worn into the outter casing near the centre of the balls groove where it could move in.
Will moly up and hopefully it will just sit fine for the time being :)

Btw Lee... i like ur yellow :lol:
suprised u didn't paint the balls green or red mate :)

Snap Crackle Bang - December 11th, 2010 at 10:30 AM

Paint them a colour you really hate. Then they won't ever fail and you will be stuck with them.:lol: