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EMPI wheel centers .. Dont fit my wide 5's.
benjicon - April 2nd, 2011 at 06:53 PM

Hey guys,

Made a trip to Classic this morning, bought 2 pairs of EMPI centers similar to these... 

(NOTE: I just noticed when I looked at the cip1 link that they say they fit 5 bolt centerline)

Anyway, took em home, with the intention to pop them under my wide 5's, like I had seen on a recent posting here , painted them up, let them dry then tried to put em through the rim only to find they are too big in diameter and so hit the rim at all 5 points where the bolt is supposed to go through.

Pretty bummed out.. I have been thinking about doing this for a while and finally found them in stock at classic, has anyone tried this before? run into the same problem ?? Any suggestions on what to do ?? I was thinking of grinding the rim back a few mills at each point where its hitting.. but wonder if this would weaken the rim..

vw54 - April 2nd, 2011 at 08:06 PM

NUTHING that EMPI makes actualy works

benjicon - April 2nd, 2011 at 09:46 PM

Bugger... sounds like I wasted $60.

hellbugged - April 2nd, 2011 at 10:11 PM

hit em with a gentle persuader ;).....if they're metal that is!

HappyDaze - April 3rd, 2011 at 07:18 AM

Try fitting all 5 wheel bolts, with the 'centres' in position, and gradually tightening each bolt a bit at a time. If they are tightened evenly, until all 5 are tight, the light gauge metal that the centre is made from should form to the shape of the wheel [hopefully]. It's worth a try. Don't grind the wheels!

matberry - April 3rd, 2011 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by HappyDaze
Try fitting all 5 wheel bolts, with the 'centres' in position, and gradually tightening each bolt a bit at a time. If they are tightened evenly, until all 5 are tight, the light gauge metal that the centre is made from should form to the shape of the wheel [hopefully]. It's worth a try. Don't grind the wheels!


benjicon - April 3rd, 2011 at 01:44 PM

Thanks guys,

I tried the persuader method, I actually stood on them to get them to pop through, there is no way they were going .. I didn't try the tightening method, but i dont think the wheel bolts will reach the threads, what I might be able to do is gently tap around the caps evenly (persuading them) till they are far enough down to bite the thread.. sad part about this is I'll have to repaint after I have fitted them cause its gonna scratch the crap out of the paint work I already did.. Oh well .. you live and you learn.

Stay tuned for results.


hellbugged - April 3rd, 2011 at 05:06 PM

yeah just remember its not worth cross threading lugs for if it feels a bit ify

oldtub356 - April 7th, 2011 at 01:28 AM

They look a perfect fit for a Flathead Ford HotRod using Ford 16 inch wide fives.
Sorry, can't check wheels for you - sold x5 wheels last month: Can do a Columbia 2-Speed Diff with the Ford drums if you want a stud measurement?
The old skool Hotrodders may like them - they look a bit "that way"!.
Also, the Columbias' 4sale.
Also, The early aftermarket HubCovers(same fitting as above), often seen on Dune Buggies, I have sent a sample to Melbourne to get a few sets spun up - no cost idea as yet.

Governor - April 7th, 2011 at 08:08 AM

Didn't know that people still bothered to buy stuff with EMPI written on it anymore??
It used to mean something, about 15- 20 years ago.
Now it is short for china crap, let's profiteer using the name.