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strange problem with Pertronix kit in SVDA Bosch Dizzy
68AutoBug - May 7th, 2011 at 12:19 AM

I have been running My Bosch SVDA distributor for about 9 months with points that came in it...
I also bought a pertronix kit to put in it...
which I did a few days ago....

with the points in it.. it could advance to 32++ degrees with the vacuum can disconnected and the vacuum port on the carby blocked, and it ran fine... best the car has ever gone...

Now with the pertronix kit in it...
it will only advance to about 18 degrees.. without the vacuum etc..

and just reaches 28 degrees Maximum advance with the timing at 2 degrees BTDC with the vacuum connected..???

naturally if I go to 7 1/2 degrees BTDC the total advance goes down...

any ideas what is causing this??

I have blown thru the pipe and carby port.. adjusted and adjusted the timing...

only other thing is to refit new points and check again..??



waveman1500 - May 7th, 2011 at 01:53 AM

Presumably the pertronix assembly must be protruding further than the points and hitting some part of the advance mechanism. Otherwise, it makes no sense at all.

Sides - May 7th, 2011 at 09:42 AM

Yeah, something fouling internally be my thinking too.

Perhaps the screw that holds the module down sticks through the floor plate further than it did with the points ???

ian.mezz - May 7th, 2011 at 11:26 AM

Lee it doesn't really matter what your timing is doing.
as your car don't seem to leave the shed.:lol::crazy::no::crazy::lol:

68AutoBug - May 7th, 2011 at 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Sides
Yeah, something fouling internally be my thinking too.

Perhaps the screw that holds the module down sticks through the floor plate further than it did with the points ???

well that was My first thoughts too.. Dave

I removed the screw holding the grommet bracket in plate in case the screw went in too far,,

the inner plate is held in place with a small countersunk screw..
and the pick up is on a plate with threads going upwards..

Maybe the only way to find out is fit points back into it..??

it does seem ??? that the vacuum parts are working OK..

so maybe the countersunk screw is too long???
[ check how much clear space is below that screw..] ??



1303Steve - May 7th, 2011 at 12:56 PM

Hi Lee

Does the rotor button (as in centre shaft) move freely and spring back when turned with your hand, the magnetic pick up could be touching the base plate and dragging.


68AutoBug - May 7th, 2011 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by 1303Steve
Hi Lee

Does the rotor button (as in centre shaft) move freely and spring back when turned with your hand, the magnetic pick up could be touching the base plate and dragging.


no Steve
the magnetic rotor button is pretty tight on the shaft and aren't actually touching nbut now closer than before...

I just put a new set of points in....
and same problem...
not enough advance...

idling around TDC... maximum advance 26 degrees..
WITH the vacuum still attached..???

maybe I will have to take the distibutor out and make sure nothing has fallen down inside ..???

the points screw???

something has to be wrong...??



Sides - May 7th, 2011 at 06:53 PM

Hang on... what this idling at TDC caper ???

Distributor's only ever have about 24 degrees of advance in 'em.... you can only get to the normal 30'ish at 3000rpm by having the standard 7.5 deg static timing... which would give you about 8-10 deg at idle.

So... with your timing light, give it 30'ish at 3000 and you should be right !!!