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do i have a 6 or 12 volt?
resonic - May 10th, 2011 at 03:20 PM

How do i tell if the engine in my bug is 6 or 12 volt? From what i have read it seems to be a 12 volt but how can i check?

The book says that my 130 tooth 180 dia flywheel is for a 12 volt, but i am ubsure.

grumble - May 10th, 2011 at 03:24 PM

Look under the back seat,if the battery has 3 filler caps you have 6 volt,if there are 6 it is 12 volt,the coil will also be marked 6 or 12 volt. As a general thing 6 volt was phased out in about 1967 with the 1300 and the introduction of the 1500 with the high bumpers were 12 volt.

Joel - May 10th, 2011 at 05:27 PM

The problem with buggies is they are usually built with bits from lots of donor cars.

If the flywheel has 130 teeth then it's a 12 volt one, 6 volt flywheels only had 109 teeth.
The 12 volt 180mm flywheel was used on 1300 beetles from 70 till 75, 1500 and 1600 were 200mm,

there will be other tell tale signs, the coil will have the voltage on it somewhere as will the choke if its 12volt, and a 12volt generator has a separate regulator, 6 volt has them mounted on top with bus bars fed down through the brush holes.
Should also be stamped on the gen and starter motor housings

Smiley - May 10th, 2011 at 08:01 PM

Turn your headlights on at night, if your view of the road barely improves then you have 6V :lol::lol::lol:

Smiley :cool:

68AutoBug - May 10th, 2011 at 11:49 PM

Originally posted by resonic
How do i tell if the engine in my bug is 6 or 12 volt? From what i have read it seems to be a 12 volt but how can i check?

The book says that my 130 tooth 180 dia flywheel is for a 12 volt, but i am unsure.

the 130 tooth ring gear is for a 12 volt which is a 200mm

12v should be on most electrical things like choke, headlamp bulbs, coil , starter motor etc..


any pics of the engine??