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brake calipers, ok to mix 2 bleeder valve w/ one?
bajachris88 - May 28th, 2011 at 02:56 PM

I have one side an original 1969 caliper, single bleeder valve.

I cross threaded the brake line on the other side caliper, and replaced it a while back with a super bug caliper which has two bleeder valves.

It doesn't matter if i run one on one side and one on the other? is it ok to mix?

I have bled my brakes twice now, can't be any air in it, but can still push my pedals near the firewall (no longer touching).

I figured, although the rear brakes need adjusting, front brakes have no excuse? as its discs? is this right? brakes do apply now. but have to bury the brake pedal a bit, even after the master cylinder is engaged.

pedal assembly loosely fitted, allowing slight movement, or am i just used to brake boosted modern brakes?

Gracey - May 28th, 2011 at 03:32 PM

Yep it sure is. The only reason they have twin bleeders is so they can be used on either side, their not right or left specific.

Just because you've bled them twice doesn't mean you got all the air out.

On the side with the twin bleeders, which bleeder did you use, top or bottom? You need to use the top only.

You may still have some air in the master cylinder.

bajachris88 - May 28th, 2011 at 03:38 PM

sweet, thanks mate.
I bled from both lol.

Yea, how do i remove air from the master cylinder?
I heard about 'priming' the master cylinder, but following teh scientific publications 1100cc to 1500cc vw manual, it doesn't mention it in the book.
Can i do it while its fitted to the car?

Its a baja with a lift kit and there's plenty of access room.

Thanks for your help! :D

Gracey - May 28th, 2011 at 03:52 PM

Master cylinder on Bugs is usually okay as the reservoir is well above and they tend to self bleed, however I usually crack one nut at a time while there's pressure on the pedal. Hope that makes sense.

I'd try bleeding the side with twin bleeders first.

Smiley - May 28th, 2011 at 04:59 PM

I'd adjust your rear brakes too Chris. That might be where some of your pedal play is coming from.

Smiley :cool:

grumble - May 28th, 2011 at 08:34 PM

The side that has the single bleeder,is the bleeder at the top/ If not you will never get the air out,if it is at the bottom you will have to swap the calipers left to right and bleed again,pull the handbrake on whilst you are bleeding them as this will lessen the travel. Cheers Les

waveman1500 - May 29th, 2011 at 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Smiley
I'd adjust your rear brakes too Chris. That might be where some of your pedal play is coming from.
Smiley :cool:

This is a big one! I spent ages trying to bleed my brakes until I got the rear drum adjustment right!