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Blocked Fuel Line
stifler001 - June 5th, 2011 at 06:55 PM

Hi there,

I have a 66 beetle I am trying to get running. I put the engine in on the weekend, cleaned out the fuel tank, replaced the rubber hoses then thought i would run some fuel through the line to make sure there wasn't any crap in them and low and behold the steel line is blocked!

I tried compressed air through the line but can't even get air throught it. Has anyone ever replaced the steel fuel line before and if so how is it done?


matberry - June 5th, 2011 at 07:08 PM

Replace is doable but you should be able to clean out the old tube. Poke some wire in and if it doesn't work an old clutch cable in an electric drill will shift anything in the tube.

VolksVair - June 6th, 2011 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by matberry
an old clutch cable in an electric drill will shift anything in the tube.

I like that!! Very Clever

matberry - June 6th, 2011 at 08:32 AM

Originally posted by VolksVair
Originally posted by matberry
an old clutch cable in an electric drill will shift anything in the tube.

I like that!! Very Clever

Thanks. Been doing it for years. Best for the throttle tube, works wonders, a little tight in the fuel line but can do it.

greedy53 - June 6th, 2011 at 08:50 PM

have you checked for a fuel filter, they can find funny places to be use