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Building a fuel efficient 1300
Ftumpch - July 22nd, 2011 at 04:07 PM

G'day all, I just joined the forum.

If you'd like to see the longer version of my introduction then you can see it at the new members' section, But basically the main reason i'm here is that I have a little project in mind and I wanted to see what people think of it...

I got my first beetle, a '72 1300, about 18 months ago and have been using it as my daily driver - 40 ks each way through Sydney traffic - for most of that time. And through this experience I've come to the conclusion that it's just about the best car i've ever driven! I'm taking it off the road in a month or so to do some work, and I've decided what I'd like to try to do is to build it into the ultimate commuter beetle by improving fuel efficiency, as well as just generally tightening it up. Not really interested in turning it into a racing car as I've got another car that does that job, and because the beetle handles so well that I can already keep ahead of the kids in their rice burners through the twisty bits as it is :cool:

But I wanted to ask if anyone has experience in building a beetle for efficiency rather than power. I've never built an engine before, but you've got to start somewhere, so I at least want to attempt to do most of the work myself - but when it comes down to it I don't have much of an idea of what i'm doing! I'm thinking the best strategy would be to keep it at 1300cc and to pay attention to things like gas-flowing, ignition, and increased compression, but basically I'm after some advice and a good workshop that can help me out with whatever needs doing. I work close to V-Force in Mortlake. Is that a good place to start?

Oh yes and I did join the NSW VW club a few months ago but it's a bit difficult for me to get to the meetings... But hello to anyone else in the club and I'm still hoping to get in there at some stage.

Craig Torrens - July 22nd, 2011 at 05:46 PM

Increase the capacity to will probably use less fuel as your right foot won't be flat to the floor all the time !

V Force would be able to do that for you.