Hi all,
can someone please tell me what this pressed area with the hole is for (arrow pointing at it). Its in the cargo area of a beetle and there is two,
one on each side. This is obviously looking from under the car.
Thanks, Kevin
From my own experience they are there purely to allow moisture into the luggage area and cause rust. I discovered these holes after the painful
experience of removing the original sound deadening and associated glue. I then discovered the rust that was beginning to spread from them.
Unless there is a compelling reason not to, I will be welding them up.
i believe they are child seat anchor points, they should have a larger plate and a captive bolt welded on there.
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I believe my car body is an original 61 model and would be surprised if they came out with child restraint anchor points.
But then again, I have already been wrong once this year - just ask my wife
Thanks, Kev
i think they are holes for carring the shell in the factory when the body shell was made
Kev. for more than 50 years [I worked on them when they were NEW] it has eluded me! The only thing that I can think of is that they were a part of the
'jigging' of the body sheet-metall assembly process.
Don't weld them up - it will ruin the paint job. Put a couple of 'blind' rubber grommets in, to keep the water and dust out.
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Thanks for the replies and letting me know what they are for. Mine never had any metal plates or similar over them when I pulled up what I think was
the original lining.
Anyway, will plug them as mentioned to keep water and dirt out.
Thanks, Kev.