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Front shock sleeve stuck on lower bolt?
Anthiron - August 8th, 2011 at 01:09 PM

So of course putting some new shocks on the front of the baja wasnt going to just got smoothly ha ha.

Drivers side top bolt sheared in the thread so thats a job for an easy out i guess. Its very solid in there so ill just keep dousing it in WD40 and drill a hole in the bolt to get the easy out into. Lower nut came off easily on this side.

Both passenger side mounts came off easy but the lower metal sleeve of the old Cofap shock is quite steadfast on the lower mount. I have applied heat via blow torch. copious WD40. gentle tapping with a mini sledge. Not so gentle tapping with the mini sledge. The rubber bushing is now starting to slide out over the sleeve.

Any ideas on how to get this off?


ian.mezz - August 8th, 2011 at 01:29 PM

Angle grinder just cut the side of the sleve.

bevoracing - August 8th, 2011 at 06:10 PM

Mate, years of experience has taught me one thing, don’t get too excited too soon. The bush, get the shock rubber off then heat the bush red hot, then cool it down with water. Do this over and over and eventually it will turn with the multigrips. May take many cycles.
Then the broken top bolt. If you sheared it off with the spanner because the thread was seized then there’s no way in hell that the ezyout is going to move it. Most people just break off the ezyout. Carefully centre pop and drill it, in the centre. Then heat it red hot, and cool it with water, several times, then try the ezyout, while it’s cold. If it won’t come, heat and cool it again, be patient, repeat the process, it will come. Once you break the ezyout off you’re stuffed. That’s for another post. Best to use an Oxy of course. Good luck.

grumble - August 8th, 2011 at 06:27 PM

Did you try a lump hammer on one side of the bush and beat the other side of the bush repeatedly,work your way around the bush.The lump hammer supports the pin and allows the hammer to break the rust inside the sleeve,eventually the rust will let go and the bush can be removed with a pair o vice grips,if this fails use Ian's method.