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Engine Whine & Red Alternator Light
SebastienPeek - August 25th, 2011 at 05:07 PM

Currently running into a couple of issues after my alternator conversion. You might not be able to make it out, but the engine is currently having a whine...

A second issue is that when turning off the car, the red alternator light sort of pops on and then dims out.

Sides - August 25th, 2011 at 05:17 PM

Hmmm, ok - can't hear much at all in that vid.

Is it a whine or more of a scraping sound, and does it do it if you start the engine without the alternator belt fitted ???

If the answer to either of those is yes, then I'd be suspecting the fan is scraping either on the backing plate or the fan housing.

On the light, dunno - sounds like maybe something not wired up quite right...

SebastienPeek - August 25th, 2011 at 05:59 PM

Gave her a go without the belt fitted.
No whine.

Fixed up the spacing, now the whine is still there but the belt is about 1/2" loose. So might just be the alternator itself.

I have to fix up the wiring as it is, so this could definitely be a factor!

silver - August 25th, 2011 at 07:05 PM

pssst...... its now an Alternator light

SebastienPeek - August 25th, 2011 at 07:08 PM

Fixed, thanks for that, I have to remember that she now has a nice 75amp alternator ;)

Joel - August 25th, 2011 at 08:19 PM

The light glowing when you turn the ignition off till the alt stops spinning is perfectly normal.

Its just the power generated by the alt till it stops spinning that lights it up.

SebastienPeek - August 25th, 2011 at 10:57 PM

Ah, so it is definitely supposed to be happening then?
It never occurred with the generator, that's all.

But, if this is what is supposed to be happening, then booyeah, everything is wired up properly.
Now, time to build something next weekend that'll make my wiring a crapload prettier.