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anyone fitted a Jake brake to their diesel bug or golf?
bajachris88 - September 1st, 2011 at 10:10 PM

Thought about it the other day, it'll sound rediculously awesome lol.

Anyone ever retrofitted a jake brake (or jacobs brakes - engine brakes like trucks) their their diesel vw? Almost for just shiz and giggles... but would none the less increase brake life i assume. 

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRGG chsssss brrrrrrrrrrgggg.... chss..



waveman1500 - September 1st, 2011 at 11:42 PM

Jake brake is a very American term, in Australia I've only ever heard them being called exhaust brakes. You could put an exhaust brake on a light car with a small diesel engine but I don't see much point. You would never need to use it, since the engine braking on it's own should do the job.

bajachris88 - September 2nd, 2011 at 08:15 AM

but exhaust brakes and engine brakes are two different things.
ehaust brakes are quiet.

Its more the novalty of having it that i was interested in. ah wells... :yes:

it'll enthasise the 'beast rig' if the baja had a tdi engine and engine brakes fitted.

toplessbug - September 2nd, 2011 at 01:54 PM

you cant put a jake on anything you feel like it needs a special cam ,designed to work with the exhaust lobe.
you can however fin a jap truck with an exhaust brake flap at the bottom of the ex manifold and rob it and stick it on your beastie,if it seals up pretty well it will work ok.

Smiley - September 2nd, 2011 at 03:17 PM

I wouldn't see much point of fitting it to any car.
It would put you through the windscreen or possibly lock up your driven wheels.

They work in a truck because they have a huge amount of mass that they are trying to stop (especially with a loaded trailer) and that weight means they have a lot of grip on the road surface. An exhaust brake is basically trying to stall the engine by choking of the exhaust or preventing the exhaust valves from opening (depending on the setup).
Because a truck has a lot of kinetic energy the mass forces the truck forward turning the wheels and thus the engine.

If fitted to a car it'd more then likely lock your wheels because the engine is being prevented from spinning.

Chris you need to stop musing over some of the fancy engineering marvels that people have come up with and get that damn Baja done!!!

Smiley :)

MISS VDUB - September 2nd, 2011 at 03:20 PM

Dude, just get the bloody thing on the road! It's been how many years now, verging on world longest project now. About time you actually drove a VW rather than talking about them.

bajachris88 - September 3rd, 2011 at 08:47 AM

haha, took it for a lap yesterday. :)

speedo's working lol :tu:

definitely only rear brakes working.... i think i worked out my prob (will update other thread) :)

thanks for the info guys :tu: