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Removal of a sheared screw - Help needed!
vvwbeetle - September 5th, 2011 at 11:33 PM

Hi all,

I have deck stand offs and thought I would look at the drivers side one tonight as it is only held on by 2 screws not the 3 it should be.

I took it off and noticed that the one towards to front of the car has been sheared off, There is still about 5mm hanging out. i tried to undo with pliers but it just seemed to turn around.

I then thought I would get the hack saw blade and cut a grove into it so I could get a flat blade screw driver into - again it just spins in either direction not undoing or doing up.

apart from drilling it out has anyone got any other ideas of what i could do. (not an easy spot for the drill, and also not keen on getting metal shaving in there)

looking forward to the replies.

Cheers Simon

Birdman - September 5th, 2011 at 11:43 PM

Sounds like it's stuffed mate. If I understand correctly the thread in the standoff is stripped? Take the hinge bracket of the car, apply a lot of downward or upward pressure with you flat screwdriver and it should come out, then tap it for the next size up maybe.

vvwbeetle - September 5th, 2011 at 11:58 PM


I have tried to apply as much upward pressure as possible with no luck. Hard spot to get to with the engine in place. No chance of downward pressure being applied as where the screw goes sealed.

Seams like one of the previous owners may have tried as well.

bajachris88 - September 6th, 2011 at 08:45 AM

One of my body bolts at one stage was in the same senario.

Got a punch and put a centre dent in the middle of the bolt, and drilled it out. Started with a small bit, and worked my way up.
I tried many methods prior to this to avoid it, but i should have saved time and just got the drill out to start with.

be sure to get a drop sheet over that motor to catch the metal chips.