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Autostick Engine Bolt near Clutch Servo Arm
chillihilli - September 30th, 2011 at 10:44 AM

Hi Guys. I got the donk back in the beast last night after a lot of swearing, cursing, grunting, lifting, jacking..

For the life of me could not get a socket on the top bolt near the clutch actuator arm. My original trans has a "later" style arm which actually goes up and over the bolt. My replacement "older" trans has the clutch arm right in front of the bolt.

I tried a 17mm tube spanner but couldn't get it over the bolt. It's most of the way there, but I need to get a bit of grunt on it and can't get grip.

What have others done to solve this problem?

Cheers Peter.

chillihilli - October 3rd, 2011 at 11:08 AM

I thought I’d follow through on this post in case anybody else has a similar issue.

I managed to tighten up the nut in question by getting a 17mm tube spanner (quite thin) and grinding it down a little on the corners so it would fit in. On the other end of the tube spanner I used a standard socket - which fit over the end – to turn the tube spanner. This enabled me to get a reasonable amount of torque on it :cool:

Cheers Peter.

68AutoBug - October 3rd, 2011 at 09:32 PM

Hi Peter

there are two ways of doing this..
One is to use the D shaped headed VW Bolt which locks into the hole You were talking about.. [gearbox side]
and a nut goes on the other end [behind the fan shroud]

the other way is to use an Allen headed bolt thru the same hole from the gearbox side and a nut behind the fan housing.

the allen key will turn until it locks on the gearbox or servo bracket.. so You can tighten the nut from behind the fan shroud.

I have done this [D shaped bolts] many times with the doghouse fan shroud and the 1500 fan shroud..
its a knuckle buster with the doghouse.. lol

I always use new nyloc nuts on most bolts so they can't undo

on manual cars the bolts go in from the back of the fan shroud and there is a piece there to lock the nut in place..



I have a pic of these somewhere ..
I had two different lengths..

chillihilli - October 4th, 2011 at 01:38 AM

Thanks Lee but I think my 71 is different. There is a thread that the bolt goes into on the engine side, therefore a nut is not possible and the reason I need to get a bit of grunt on it . They must have changed it when they updated the arm on the trans to go around the bolt head?