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Wiring questions
DJB 01 - October 28th, 2011 at 09:31 PM

Hi wiring gurus, help! Can you identify the wires for me its for a '76 beetle
1/ in the steering column harness - the brown wire with the white stripe - where does it go?

Missing the wire here, can you identify the colour?
2/ relay adjacent to fuse block - has 5 connections.
there are the following wires
white with black stripe;
and one other - what colour?

3/ light pull switch - has 6 connections.
there are 5 wires -
white with red stripe;
white with black stripe;
black with yellow stripe;
and one other - what colour ?

C'mon Joel you're the man!

Thanks in advance for the help.
PS - where can I get a wiring diagram for this thing?

cheers DJB

Joel - October 28th, 2011 at 11:14 PM

Lucky for you I'm spending my friday night sitting in a tractor spraying so I'm wide awake and buzzing on coffee :crazy:

1. is your highbeam and is directly related to 2. as it is the missing wire on the high beam relay.
Terminal should be marked S from memory.

Don't think that there is a wire missing off you headlight switch, those 5 should be all of them.
Have you got a stray wire there?

cam070 - October 29th, 2011 at 12:18 AM

Dub if Joel hasn't come up with the goods let me know. I'm currently stripping my 76

DJB 01 - October 29th, 2011 at 02:20 PM

Hi Joel,
thanks for that - i did think the brown/white was for the relay, but rather than melting wires, thought I would ask. There are no stray wires, but saw the extra terminal on the light switch, and that got me thinking........
What would we do without coffee!!
Thanks for your help Joel, yet again pulled out of the pooh
Cheers Dave :)

Joel - October 29th, 2011 at 04:03 PM

No Worries.

It would be a spare terminal for overseas stuff.
Some switches have a 57 terminal which was for America, it makes the front indicators light up as running lights cos they have sealed beams with no parkers like we did here.

Or some have an extra 30 terminal as the same switch was used in KGs and Type 3s and that powers the clock on some of them.

cam070 - October 29th, 2011 at 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Joel

It would be a spare terminal for overseas stuff.
Some switches have a 57 terminal which was for America, it makes the front indicators light up as running lights cos they have sealed beams with no parkers like we did

Does that mean they work like day running lights ? Or do they only come on with the headlights?

Joel - October 30th, 2011 at 01:12 PM

57 powers with parkers but off with headlights.